June 22, 2011

Who Is The Father Of Physics?

Physics is the field of science which studies the natural world and the laws on which it works. It is considered as the most fundamental of the sciences from which the other branches like chemistry, biology and application oriented fields like engineering and medicine originate. Physics has been studied by man since ancient times in various ways with a number of eminent personalities contributing a great deal to the field.

Physics though it employs mathematical means to comprehend various concepts which are then subjected to tests or experiments also has a philosophical aspect about it. The ancient Greek philosopher Thales (6th century BC) is widely regarded as the father of physics. He is credited with being the first to study the heavens; some of his achievements include predicting a solar eclipse, construction of an almanac and his statement that all 'things' are formed of one primary element.

Some important philosopher physicists of the period include Aristotle, Democritus and Archimedes. The father of Modern Physics is considered to be the Italian physicist Galileo Galilei most famous for his assertion of the heliocentric view of the solar system.
Some famous physicists of the modern period are Sir Isaac Newton, Johannes Kepler, Benjamin Franklin, Michael Faraday, Nikolai Tesla, Niels Bohr and Albert Einstein among others.

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June 10, 2011

World Health Organization: cell phones possibly carcinogenic

The WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) previously held that cell phone radiation was not carcinogenic. That partly silenced many critics who claimed cell phone radiation was causing brain tumors and that cell phones were more dangerous than previously believed. It has since upgraded cell phone radiation to the third highest rating, below “probably carcinogenic” and “carcinogenic.”
It’s likely the WHO’s latest classification will once again ignite criticism of cell phones and debate over whether cell phone radiation can cause cancer. There are around 5 billion people currently using cell phones, according to the report by the IARC. The IARC is recommending people take pragmatic measures to reduce exposure to cell phone radiation — such as relying on texting and hands-free communication like bluetooth headsets.
The new classification indicates that there is some link between cancer and radiofrequency electromagnetic fields that are emitted by cell phones, but extensive study is still necessary. The panel found that the evidence that cell phone radiation was linked to one type of brain cancer was “limited” — and the association with any other type of cancer was “inadequate.” According to the report, the “limited” classification is just one step above the “inadequate” classification.
Mobile wireless association CTIA, one of the wireless industry’s main trade groups, refuted the WHO’s findings and said that the panel of scientists did not conduct any new research — instead it just reviewed existing studies. The classification does not mean that cell phones cause cancer and the IRAC has given the same score to other seemingly harmless substances, the association said.
The panel consisted of 31 scientists pulled from 14 different countries that reviewed two large studies that found a relationship between cell phone use and Glioma, a form of brain cancer. The scientists reviewed those studies and other scientific literature for eight days at a meeting in Lyons, France.

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